Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Helen's Giveaway

We have woken up to a couple of inches of snow, the Valley looks so pretty.
I am just posting to tell you to go and have a look at Helen's blog, she is got some fantastic giveaway.
Good luck!!!
Les cuento que despertamos en un paisaje de ensueno , todo blanco, como 5 cm de nieve.
contarles esto no es la razon de este post , la verdadera razon es decirles que vayan a visitar el blog de Helen, donde ella tiene un fantastico giveaway.
Buena suerte!!!

Monday, 29 November 2010

Baby is cold outside!!!

Long time since I wrote, I don't know where the time goes.I have been so busy with the house, we have done a lot of renovations, so is more like a building site, getting to the end of it ( Thank God). now is painting, carpets and curtains, lots of work for me, is not that easy to choose so many thing at once.The incentive to have done is that our Son his Wife and our new grandson will be here on the 14 can't wait to see them.
The only thing I have done is some knitting and some shopping,and what a shoppping spread it was..
I am the proud owner of a new sewing machine, it arrives tomorrow, I bought on Thursday at the Harrogate show, ( bernina 720) will put some pictures once I get it.
I had a great time at the show with my dear friend Glennys, bought some wool, a few fabrics some linen for embroidery and embroidery scissors to add to my collection.
The weather is freezing, ideal for staying in and playing with my new toy, not that I have that much time, there is always something that the people working in here needs to ask me.
Hace bastante tiempo que no escribia,he estado super ocupada con la casa hemos hecho varios cambios ya estamos llegando al final, asi que ahora estan pintando, y he tenido que salir a comprar cortinas, muebles,alfombras, cualquier cantidad de trabajo no es facil cuando hay tantas cosas que elegir, el intensivo es que quiero tener lo mas posible terminado antes de el 14 cuando nuestro hijo su sra y nuestro nieto llegan desde Canada.
Lo unico que he tenido tiempo de hacer es tejer, es lo mas facil cuando hay tanto alboroto alrededor mio.
El jueves fui a Harrogate con mi querida amiga Glennys, lo pasamos super bien , compre lana, algunos generos, lino para bordado y una maquina de coser, (bernina720) llega manana,ya les mostrare fotos, yo la encuentro fabulosa estoy feliz!!!!
Les cuento que aqui hace un frio fenomenal en este momento la temperatura afuera es -1, el tiempo ideal para estar en casa y jugar (lol)el unico problema es que me interrumpen a cada rato ,asi que estoy tejiendo, un jumper para Jack es lo que estoy haciendo.aqui les pongo algunas fotos para que vean lo que he tejido en este ultimo mes.

This is a free pattern from Ravelry (Saroyan) I am knitting it with araucaria, 75 merino wool, 25 syntetic, is lovely, the only problem is that I don't know what I have done wrong,in the straight part, I am decreasing so is on stand by for now.
Esta bufanda/chal es un patron de Ralvery,lo estoy tejiendo en Araucania.ningun problema hasta cuando empeze a tejer la parte derecha donde uno le da el largo, y no me di cuenta que estaba disminuyendo ..??? asi que por ahora esta de lado,hasta cuando tenga mas tiempo para ver que estoy haciendo mal.

This were I have gone wrong... Quite a lot to unpick
aqui pueden ver donde esta el error (bg)
This is a shawl I started when I was in Santa Rosa last month, is a lovely pattern Damson by Isolda, great instruccions.I have done it in Malabrigo 100% merino wool.
Esto es un chal que empeze cuando estaba en Santa Rosa, mas que nada para tener algo que hace es un patron de Isolda con excelente instruccions.
Here it is finished. I wasn't sure if I was going to wear it, I will is lovely and warm.Aqui pueden ver el resultado final, me encanta es muy abrigador.
Well I think I better go and prepair some food, so bye for now.
Bueno chicas esto es todo por ahora, me voy a preparar algo para comer.

Wednesday, 3 November 2010


I think is about time I show you our grandchildren, Hannah is 6 1/2 Olivia is nearly 3 they are Rebecca and Justin's little girls (our daughter)and Jack who is 2 months old and is Tim and Meghan's first child (our son)
Habia prometido fotos de nuestros nietos y aqui estan.

It is bed time here so bye for now

Jack's romper Suit

I just realized that I only did the posting in Spanish, I was so excited that I had found how to use the keyboard in another language (lol)
Any way in a nut shell, finally home for sometime,I hope, it means that I can get on with my projects, the only thing I have done so far is some knitting, I find that easy when I am on the move.I have finished a romper suit for Jack it is quite and achievement, or at least that is what I think ( LOL), the pattern, was so bad ,or the lack of it, most of it wrong and nothing for the sleeves,good job that they had a picture of the finished romper, so by looking at it I made it up, really like the end product.here is a picture, not a very good one, something else I have to work on (better pictures)

Jack's Romper Suit Front

Jack's Romper Suit Back

Sunday, 31 October 2010

hola,parece que finalmente descubri como usar el teclado en Español!!! ahora tendre que practicar y aprender como poner acentos!!!
Hace tanto tiempo, nuevamente que no escribia,he estado viajando, cuando regrese de Canada lo hice solo por un dia, y luego me fui a San Francisco, bueno Santa Rosa para ser mas exacta, ha visitar familiares que hasta hace un mes atras no conocia, lo pase maravilloso, ahora tengo una familia mucho mas grande que alegria!
Finalmente en casa y si Dios quiere por un largo tiempo,asi que finalmente me pondre al dia con mis bordados y costuras, he estado tejiendo lo unico que encuentro facil hacer cuando ando de un lado para el otro, he terminado un enterito (pelele) para Jack me encanta como ha quedado, realmente no fue facil hacerlo el patron de la revista labores del Hogar , es pesimo, ni siquiera tenia instrucciones de como hacer las mangas( la proxima vez, prometo leer el patron entero antes de empezar a hacer algo (LOL))menos mal que hay una foto de el pelele asi que me guie por esta.
Se lo enviare a Jack mañana. fotos a continuacion.
Y ahora lo que mas me gusta ,decidir cual es mi proximo proyecto, creo que debo empezar a hacer lo que le enviare a mi querida amiga Odette, hemos decidido tener un pequeño intercambio para Navidad.hasta que no se lo envie no pondre fotos, pero a medida que avance algo les contare o mostrare...no sera lo unico que haga eso es imposible para mi siempre tengo mas de un projecto en mano.
Lo otro que estoy tejiendo es un chal/bufanda que empeze antes de salir de viaje es un patron que me envio Helen, muy bonito, estoy usando una lana Teñida en Chile, se llama Araucaria es muy linda.
Bueno creo que ya he escrito bastante, asi que bye for now.

Thursday, 7 October 2010

This is where I am

It is been some time since I last wrote, I was so sure last time I wrote that I was going to be home for some time and be able to visit all the blogs that give me so much inspiration and delight my eyes,and do some of my favorite things.
It was not to be , not that the reason is not something as delightful if not more.
I am in Canada, I have come to meet our brand new grandson Jack Timothy, he is one month old, a lovely placid baby, with dark hair and lovely blue eyes.
Last Sunday we had his Christening, here is a picture of his mummy (Meghan) holding him, daddy(Tim, our son) and I.

Hace tiempo que no escribia, la ultima vez que lo hize pense que finalmente estaria en casa y podria disfrutar visitando vuestros blogs y haciendo alguna labor, no ha sido asi,la razon es maravillosa, estoy en Canada visitando nuestro hijo, su Sra y la nueva addicion a la familia Jack Timothy, quie ya tiene un mes , es un bebe muy tranquilo y para nosotros maravilloso con pelo oscuro y ojos azules.El Domingo recien pasado fue su bautizo, un dia muy lindo que disfrutamos enormemente habria sido perfecto si mi esposo hubiese estado aqui tambien, eso no fue posible.
He tejido varias cosas para Jack, tomare fotos para mi proximo posting.
Bueno me voy a disfrutarlo un poco mas solo me quedan 3 dias aqui. asi que debo aprovecharlos al maximo
Bye for now.

Thursday, 16 September 2010

Ahora si en Español.

Parece que algo aprendi, ahora a recordar mi Español. para escribir sin faltas jaja eso esta hay que verlo ....

I am back

Summer is over, back home, and for sure I will make time for my blog and sewing.
It was a lovely summer, very busy, with friends and family.
our Daugther had a wedding blessing in Turkey, what a lovely party we had, I will share some pictures later on.
Our son and his wife are the proud parents of our GS Jack, the first Lamb to be born in tha last 31 years our son been the last one, so you can imagine how happy my DH is (lol). Can wait to hug this new Grandbaby, will have to wait and see were we are going to live next before I can make plans to travel to Canada to meet him.
I have done so little when it comes to crafts is a shame, some knitting for Jack no quilting at all and only a few stitches ....shame on me.
Iam ready to go now, with so many ideas and projects in my mind, lets see how much i really do (bg).
Hola Chicas, el final del Verano llego, y que Verano mas ocupado, con amigos y familiares,muy lindo en realidad, pero desgraciadamente no hubo tiempo para hacer ningun bordado ni Patchwork, solo un poquito de tejido (bg).
Varias cosas muy lindas han pasado para nuestra familia este Verano, por fin Rebecca y Justin decidieron casarse, asi que en Inglaterra fue el matrimonio civil y una bendicion en Turquia, las dos ocasiones fueron muy lindas, uno de estos dias pondre algunas fotos para compartir con ustedes, Y lo otro es que nuestro nieto Jack el primer hombrecito, hijo de nuestro hijo nacio el 1 de Septiembre , es el primer Lamb que nace en los ultimos 31 anios. como podeis imaginar mi marido esta feliz , continua el apellido ( LOL).fotos uno de estos dias, no saben como tengo de ganas de tener a mi nuevo nieto en mis brazos, aun no se cuando podre viajar a Canada.les cuento que tengo nuevo computador el ultimo finalmente murio, claro que tiene todas mis fotos asi que tendre que encontrar forma de recuperarlas, en este nuevo computador puedo cambiar el Keyboard a espanol, pero desgraciadamante aun no se como hacerlo bien , asi que hasta que aprenda a hacerlo bien, tendran que seguir leyendo my Espanol horrendo sin acento ni las letras que no se encuentran en el teclado .
Bueno ya es muy tarde a si que ha dormir, y desde manana empiezo a "jugar" con mis bordados nuevamente.

Saturday, 12 June 2010

This is some of the things I have been up to.

Here is a picture of the Hardanger SAL .
I have not been able to finish the last instalment on this, the reason been I have run out thread and the one I have is a diferent white, so i will have to wait until I get home, to see if I can find the same color.... wish me luck, if not plan b , I don't know what that one is yet lol
I was only a few stitches away from the end,when my thread finished, you can see it its on the right h/s :)
I found this lovely little quilt in Lori's Blog , loved it so I decided to make it unfortunately time was not on my side,to be honest i think deep down i knew that i was not going to be able to finish it before leaving here any way this is what i have done up to know,I like it and will finish it some time soon

And last but not least , my progress on the SAL that Chookyblue has organized we are stitching "A Gardener's Journal" by Anni Downs it is lovely.
As you can see I have printed all the designs for the stitchery and I have finished one 1/2 way with another and plenty to go, this is a great thing to have right now, all i need is needle and thread, the blogs will be put together later on.

Scissor Exchange

This is what I made for my partner on this exchange. I do hope that she likes it.
I used some Quaker motives and then left my imagination run wild :)

This is the back, I did send her a neddle lace flower with ribbon to tie to her scissors, I love this flowers I bought a few of them some time ago in Turkey, the beads around the keeper are also needle lace from Turkey

Friday, 11 June 2010

I Wonnn!!!!

I have only just found out that I am one of the lucky winners at Dawn's give away.
It came when I really need it some TLC, I have had a very stressful day, moving is STRESFUL!!! to say the least ,I am glad to report that all the packing is done, the container is on his way and we hope that we will see it some time from now in England:)
Must go promise to find some time this week-end for the promise pictures.
Hope that wherever you are you are all having a great day

Wednesday, 9 June 2010

A thousand Visitors!!!!!!

I have just seen it, and I can't believe it!!! Just in time i am going home,so I will do a giveaway like I wanted,from here it would have been imposible the same from Turkey, the post from both places is a problem, more about it tomorrow

I have been busy... not doing what I am suppose to do LOL

I am going mad , or maybe I am mad, what was I think , left every thing for the last minute, the packers are coming tomorrow, that is fine the problem is: we are supposse to do a detail list of every thing we are sending back is a real pain :)with prices....
I will put some pictures tomorrow, of what I have been doing, I finished a Quilt with Nigerian fabrics,done some embroidery for the SAL A Gardeners Journal and started a mini qulit 6 blogs so far, this is a project from Lori's blog I love the pattern, so like a child I have been playing rather than working lol.
Only one week and we will be in our way home,I am ready now, I will be sad .I have had some lovely times in here, met some nice people, but ... every thing comes to and end, and this is it for us.
Don't know for certain were the next project will be,for me it means that I will probably stay longer in Turkey and once the summer is over it will be home to England,Tim will spend a few months more in here.
It is late just notice the time, so of to bed I go, tomorrow I will share the pictures
Good night

Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Grupo Ande yo Caliente !!!!!!!

I must tell you about this new grupo Helen and I have started it is all to do with knitting,Helen is found most of the patterns, and I give a helping hand with the translation not that she needs a lot of it to be honest.
Helen has already done some knitting I haven't once I am back at home (England) I will do some, promise to add pictures of any work that we do.
No sean mal pensadas (jejeje) es un grupo de tejido para andar calentita en Invierno lo hemos formado con Helen , la verdad es que yo aun no he tejido nada,Helen si lo ha hecho y ella es la que ha encontrado los patrones de lo que pensamos hacer,si estos son en Ingles yo ayudo un poquito con la traduccion , no que se hayan usado mucho mis servicios (vg) estoy segura que si alguna de ustedes quiere tejer con nosotras Helen tambien aceptara encantada vuestra compania.

Friday, 28 May 2010

New Name Giveaway

Dawn has a new name for her blog "As Sweet as Cinnamon" and to celebrate there is a giveaway you have until the 7 of June to enter your name .

Wednesday, 26 May 2010

May Giveaway at Jenny of Elefantz

What a fantastic give away,it is Jennys, daughters birthday and to celebrate, she is having this incredible giveaway. do go and add your name , you never know it could be your lucky day.
Can you please leave my name if yo learned about it from me.
En el Blog the Jenny encontraras un fanastico "Giveaway" ve y pone tu nombre, si has sabido de esto por intermedio de mi blog, por favor pon mi nombre en tu comentario.

Monday, 17 May 2010


Just recently, I signed on for a Generosity Project over at Naomi's blog.
. Here is how it goes. For those who sign on, I will send you something crafty of my choice. I will have one year to get it to you. You in turn must agree to send a crafty something of your choice to whomever signs up with you on your blog. And you too will have one year in which to complete and send. I will take the first four (4) who would like to participate. Come on, let's play. ***To sign up for this, I ask that you have an active blog please***
Feel free to use the pic on your blog if you sign up....I snagged it from Naomi..

Saturday, 15 May 2010

Mamen SAL

5th Objective finished.
It have really enjoy doing this SAL Mamen is a great teacher, I am looking forward to the next objectives.

All Done

I have been meaning to write since Monday ,i have not found the time, I seen to be busy doing nothing LOL just having fun, enjoying my last days in here, meeting new people that i doubt i will ever see again such shame, they are all very nice.
A few pictures of my "bargello sewing case" ,I had such fun stitiching this, that is probably why it only took me a few days.
I am also up to date with my SAL with Mamen, objective 5 done.
I can't wait to start the next stage on this pattern.
Now I will have to look for nothing new to do.What fun!!!

This is the front of my Bargello Sewing case

The Inside

The Back

The three pieces joined together.

My Finished Case

Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Long Weekend and New Project

This was a really long weekend,my DH only went back to work yesterday.It was a fun weekend,we played Golf,ah let me tell you about it, I played night Golf for the first time ever, it is great fun.We had a couple of invitations one was a farewell party,sopmebody is always leaving, so we have plenty of those, and the other was to a BBQ on Sunday,the food and company was great.quiet Monday only golf and them home to do our crossword and enjoy each others company.

Now my new project this is something that I have wanted to do for a long time,bought every thing I need it for it when it first came out, are you ready for it 14 years ago,yes you read it right one four.I am a great believer in better late than never LOL

This is the front of this lovely sewing case!!

This is the Inside

and this is the back.
I am having a great time stitching this is very pretty.
If any of you girls out there want to join me in doing this just leave a message.

Friday, 30 April 2010

Up date on my Projects!!


Like I told you before I always have more than one thing on the go,I also told you that I eventually finish them,so here are the pictures of what I have finished and I am up to date wit my Neceser SAL , i have look for my pajaro loco work, it looks like I have left it home (UK)it is finished and I think i will use it for the lid on a box.I love boxes!!!Blue for a boy is finished,is lovely and soft!!

This is the third part (Objetivo 3) of my Neceser SAL not a very good picture, I am trying , I am sure one day I will get them better VG

Back to Africa

Here I am once again in Africa, with my DH, I have forgotten what a beautiful place this is,here are some pictures from our garden to give you an idea

This is the Path to our back door, we only use this one to be honest

This has very pretty lilac flowers!!

Look at size of the Bamboo!!
I love this place, some people will think I am mad, i can't go any where(for security reasons) there is no shops, no many wifes are here at one time , having said that to me is heaven , I play golf in the morning, very early as soon as the sun comes out so is not to hot,and them home to breakfast and my sewing room.
The sad thing is that my DH project is nearly finish , so we will be leaving in a couple of months, i really don't want to think about it, I am going to just really try and enjoy my last months here. We are going to London, I am sure it will be very nice, closer to home and our adore GD , lots of shops and maybe i will find a nice group of ladies to share my love for sewing.

Thursday, 22 April 2010

Look at this Beautiful Scissors, if you love Scissors , like I do , you must visit Jennifer at her blog,for a chance of wining them on her give away

Monday, 19 April 2010

Australian Homespun "Give Thanks" SAL

I have just received my Homespun Magazine, and found that there is a free SAL, every Wednesday they give a stitchery design, and in week 24 they will provide the complete instructions to make them into a lap quilt.
The designer of this lovely project is Sam Mackenzie of Miss Mack.
You will also find lots of other free projects if you follow the link to
Homespun Magazine,go have a look and be inspire.

Saturday, 17 April 2010


We are so happy our son and his wife are expecting their first child, our third Grandchild. This time the happy parents wanted to know the sex of the baby so last week we found out that this time we are expecting a Grandson, we already have two adorable GD.This will be the first Lamb to be born in the last 32 years ( our son was the last).
So off I went to my friends shop and bought some blue wool and a beautiful pattern book from Rowan, and here I am knitting with great pleasure. I am terrible I can't never have only one thing on the go..... I do finish them all eventually.
The pictures were taking a couple of days ago , the little cardigan is almost finish now,I will post some more pictures when is done.



This is the other SAL I have joined.
I love Hardanger and I have not done any for ages so this is a nice way of getting back to it.
Mamen is the one that organized this SAL her instruccions are fantastic!!!
I did quite a bit , and them disaster...I cut the threads from the fabric, so back to square one , and guest what I am late again.(VG)


As Promise here is something about the two SAL groups I have joined,one of them is "Grupo Pajaro Loco" in here we are stitching a Blackbird design "Ti's the Season"
Mine is been stitched on 28 Glenshee natural linen over one thread, with the "Crescent Colours" silks use in the original design. Here are some pictures.

This is the linen and silk threads I am using.

This what I have some so far.

I have put a 20p coin so you can get and idea of the size.
I am behind with my work, it should have been finish last week!!! never mind it will be done this week, I did have to change one of the thread colors , the one suggested in the design did not show in the natural linen, so I am using white.

Friday, 2 April 2010

Home Again.

Here I am back in England after a long time away,probably the longest ever ,5months.
In this long months i had some great times , new experiences and some pretty scary times too.
I was able to meet one friend I made through this amazing world of blogging!!Odette from Odita Super Patch, we spend some wonderful time together in her home, were I was most welcome, and did some stitching together, this was probably most of the stitching I did in all the time I was away.
My DH came for a month and we had a wonderful holiday in the South of Chile, such a beautiful country. then the earthquake, it was quite something, i really thought that my time has come at least for the 2,30 min that it lasted!!I suposse we were the lucky ones in Santiago the devastation was not like in the south.
And now, home again, with a horrible dose of the flu that has keept me in for over a week feeling ill and incapable of doing any thing.I am on the mend now and ready to go, I can't wait to start "playing" with my threads and fabrics, I did order a few new things on the internet when away, and they are all here waiting for me to do something with them, and all my quilting and stitching magazines from Australia , there are so many things that I would love to make.I will post pictures of what ever i do make.
When away I did read some blogs and found a couple of SAl that I joined I will post photos of what I have done in the next few days.
I will go now, maybe some body will read my posting, and eventually other girls will come and visit my blog.
It is nice to be home with the things I love and time for myself!!!

Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Saturday, 3,36 am

It is such a long time since I wrote,life has a funny way of getting on the way .VG
So much to tell you , but not today.
I just want to ask any body that reads my blog, (I know not much to see or read)to please pray for the people of my country Chile,
The earthquake on Saturday early morning was horrific and the situation in the South beyond imagination, so much suffering.