Monday, 29 October 2012

MUF'S Girls

I have only just discovered this great group, to be honest I don't know if still on, but I am sure I am one of this girls, go and check it out at Charming Chatter. 
I have done quite a few little projects later on, I will take photos and post them, some time this week.
I am half sleep my DH is away on a business trip so last night I went to bed a 4am, and I had some girls coming to a Hardanger class this morning . ( I am the coordinator for small workshop's that we offer to the Guild Members, is lots of fun , and I get to learn new things to).
I was making a rag quilt, with some lovely linen's that I found in one of my fabric shopping sprees.
I promise photos will follow, it is finished and I am very please with it, no pattern just an idea that worked.
Hola Chicas, hoy he descubierto este grupo MUF'S Girls, estoy segura que soy una de ellas, asi que lo voy a seguir si quieren ver de que se trata, vayan a el blog de Esperanza ella lo explica muy bien en Español.
He estado entretenida haciendo algunos cositas, les sacare ftos y las pondre esta semana para que vean en que ocupo mi tiempo. Les cuento que soy la coordinadora de los pequeños projectos que se ofrecen en nuestro Guild, es muy entretenido y aprovecho de aprender cosas nuevas, hoy una amiga Noruega enseño los primers pasos en Hardanger, algo que me encanta , tuvimos una mañana muy entretenida, aunque yo estoy y estaba muerta de sueño. anoche me acoste a las 4 de la madrugada( estoy solita, mi marido anda en viaje de negocios) terminando un Rag Quilt, estoy feliz con el resultado,una idea mia que salio bien ( sin patron) sacare fotos y las pondren para que  la vean, esta hecho con linos.
Creo que me voy a tener que ir a tomar un cafe para despertarme,o quizas quedarme dormida en el sillon,...(lol)..Bye for now

Monday, 22 October 2012

Long Time no see I really don't know if I will be able to post with the new blogger system, it took me some time to learn the last one (lol) computer savi I am not. This is just to see how I do, if it work I will post some more, wish me luck!Will Try a photo to. <
Hace tanto tiempo que no escribia y ahora me encuentro con un nuevo systema (lol) veremos si me resulta, no soy muy buena con computadores.Pondre una foto tambien para probar.

Thursday, 28 June 2012

Summer is here. Llego el Verano

Summer is here, all settle in our Summer house, it is lovely a little lonely sometimes I miss my DH,but is nothing we can do it is to hot in Dubai for me to stay there and Tim has a lot of work related travel to do this summer. This summer started with a wonderful added bonus our son and his family came to visit us from Canada 10 glorious days together, and Tim came for 4 of them could not miss seeing our wonderful GS Jack. I have a few project in mind, we will see if any of them get done, the days flight by without me doing any thing, just a swim of two a day and nothing much. Having said that I have started knitting a lovely stole pattern from Rowen, it can only be done in the evening when and if it is not to hot. Thisis all for now, I know that here I will have more time to visit you all, please if you visit me don't forget to leave me a message I love reading them. Llego el Verano y ya estoy instalada en nuestra casa de Verano, me encanta estar aquí, aunque a veces es un poquito solitario, extraño a mi marido, pero no hay nada que podamos hacer, el Verano en Dubai es demasiado caluroso para yo estar allí y además este año Tim tiene varios viajes que hacer en esta fecha Este verano empezó de una forma maravillosa, nuestro hijo y su familia vino desde Canadá a visitarnos (a penas tuve tiempo de limpiar la casa ,jaja) por 10 días, mi marido vino por 4 de ellos no podía perder la oportunidad de ver a nuestro querido nieto Jack no lo veíamos desde el verano pasado He pensado en varios proyectos para este verano,veremos si hago alguno,aquí los días se me vuelan sin hacer nada,bajar a nadar una o dos veces al día y no mucho mas . He empezado un shawl que es un patrón de Rowan con una lana muy delgadita, es un placer tejerla, es algo que solo puedo hacer enla noche siempre y cuando no haga mucho calor. Bueno espero tener mas tiempo ahora para visitar vuestros blogs, si me visitan no se olviden de dejar un comentario , me encanta leerlos

Friday, 20 April 2012

Knitting for Jack- Tejiendo para Jack

This is a Debbie Bliss design It was knitted with Sublime (75%extra fine merino 20%silk,5%cashmere) a pleasure to knit.
Este es un diseño de Debbie Bliss, esta tejido con Sublime una lana muy linda que es una mezcla de Merino, cashmere y seda, me encanto como ha quedado y fue un placer tejerlo

This is a design I found in a Rico book,terrible, in the end I made it up. It was knitted with 100%alpaca wool.
Este es un diseño que encontre en un libro de Rico, terrible, asi que al final solo use la foto para guiarme, fue tejido con lana de alpaca

This is my own pattern, I made it up as I went , I use Bamboo I love the colour and feel of this yarn and could not find a pattern that I like. bamboo does not look good ( to me) when knitted on plain stitch so I use a double rice stitch.
Este es mi creacion, use bamboo para tejerlo , me encantan los colores , lo teji en punto de arroz doble.

I haven't done much sewing for some time, but I always knit ; it is something that I can do when I sit next to my DH in the evening and we talk or watch something on TV. Most of my Knitting is for our GS Jack,I don't knit for the girls, our Daughter is not one for hand knitted things, unlike our dear DIL who loves every thing I make for Jack, he always wear my creations and I have the photos to prove it, alas not in this computer so I will you show you pictures of the finished items. I am still not very good with the Mac I really think that I should take some classes to learn how to use it., not that I was that good with the PC (lol)

Hace tiempo que no he cosido,pero siempre estoy tejiendo mas que nada para nuestro nieto Jack, a mis nietas no les tejo, nuestra hija no es de quien le gusten mucho las cosas tejidas a mano, no como mi nuera que le encantan y siempre se las pone a Jack y me envia fotos de el usando mis creacions ( ellos viven en Canada).

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Jet Lag !!

No pictures, just my mumblings (bg)
Is terrible I have been back just over a week and I am still suffering with jet lag, 7 hours difference and I can't get over it, I am a wake in the middle of the night and half sleep the rest of the day, good job that our daughter and Gd are here with us or I would sleep all day, Does any body have any tips to help with this ...? please give them to me it is horrible, I can't believe that I am feeling like this, we do travel a lot and this is the first time that I have jet lag...

Done very little, some knitting and some applique not much to be honest. I really want to do some more but my lack of sleep doesn't help.
I am going to try to stay awake until late tonight so I am off the visit blogs.
Hope that you are having a great day wherever you are

Thursday, 29 March 2012

I am back!!

I wonder if any body miss me in blog land I doubt it (bg) never mind all the same I am back. I was on holidays for 6 weeks, to be honest a little to long,I did nothing other than visit friends, eat, drink and had a great time. I did miss my sewing room and toys, every time I go on holidays I take some sewing with me and never do any thing.
This time I went to a Dyeing workshop and bought some dyes I will let you know how they work when I try them. I also had the pleasure of meeting Debby Kemball in her home, what a beautiful work she does, her new book ( Booklet really)with new patterns is great can't wait to start some applique.
Its 5 in the morning I can't sleep the difference in time is really mess my up this time
I have only been back since Tuesday evening so I hope that by the time our Daughter and adore GD arrive on Monday to spend the Easter holidays with us I will be back to normal.
I am going to go and have some breakfast, my body clock really is mess up. I slept nearly all day yesterday couldn't help it felt sleep on the settee.i will post some pictures I have of some work I have finish on my next post.
It is great to be back I am going to spend the next few hours (my dear Husband is playing golf this morning)reading the blogs I follow and probably discovering new ones, what a treat to be able to see and read about the wonderful work other people do and share with us.
Bye for now