This is a Debbie Bliss design It was knitted with Sublime (75%extra fine merino 20%silk,5%cashmere) a pleasure to knit.
Este es un diseño de Debbie Bliss, esta tejido con Sublime una lana muy linda que es una mezcla de Merino, cashmere y seda, me encanto como ha quedado y fue un placer tejerlo
This is a design I found in a Rico book,terrible, in the end I made it up. It was knitted with 100%alpaca wool.
Este es un diseño que encontre en un libro de Rico, terrible, asi que al final solo use la foto para guiarme, fue tejido con lana de alpaca
This is my own pattern, I made it up as I went , I use Bamboo I love the colour and feel of this yarn and could not find a pattern that I like. bamboo does not look good ( to me) when knitted on plain stitch so I use a double rice stitch.
Este es mi creacion, use bamboo para tejerlo , me encantan los colores , lo teji en punto de arroz doble.
I haven't done much sewing for some time, but I always knit ; it is something that I can do when I sit next to my DH in the evening and we talk or watch something on TV. Most of my Knitting is for our GS Jack,I don't knit for the girls, our Daughter is not one for hand knitted things, unlike our dear DIL who loves every thing I make for Jack, he always wear my creations and I have the photos to prove it, alas not in this computer so I will you show you pictures of the finished items. I am still not very good with the Mac I really think that I should take some classes to learn how to use it., not that I was that good with the PC (lol)
Hace tiempo que no he cosido,pero siempre estoy tejiendo mas que nada para nuestro nieto Jack, a mis nietas no les tejo, nuestra hija no es de quien le gusten mucho las cosas tejidas a mano, no como mi nuera que le encantan y siempre se las pone a Jack y me envia fotos de el usando mis creacions ( ellos viven en Canada).