Saturday, 12 June 2010

This is some of the things I have been up to.

Here is a picture of the Hardanger SAL .
I have not been able to finish the last instalment on this, the reason been I have run out thread and the one I have is a diferent white, so i will have to wait until I get home, to see if I can find the same color.... wish me luck, if not plan b , I don't know what that one is yet lol
I was only a few stitches away from the end,when my thread finished, you can see it its on the right h/s :)
I found this lovely little quilt in Lori's Blog , loved it so I decided to make it unfortunately time was not on my side,to be honest i think deep down i knew that i was not going to be able to finish it before leaving here any way this is what i have done up to know,I like it and will finish it some time soon

And last but not least , my progress on the SAL that Chookyblue has organized we are stitching "A Gardener's Journal" by Anni Downs it is lovely.
As you can see I have printed all the designs for the stitchery and I have finished one 1/2 way with another and plenty to go, this is a great thing to have right now, all i need is needle and thread, the blogs will be put together later on.


Marisol said...

hola laura me encantan los diseños en redwork son muy bonitos y se puede hacer de todo en ellos me imagino que el sal ya se termino bueno ya sera para otra ves besos muy lindo te esta quedando el neceser besos

Lori said...

I love the lighter colors of your Strawberry Fields quilt. Please be sure to let me know when you get it together.

Lulú said...

Que bien te está quedando el diseño de "A Gardener's Journal", y el bordado del neceser en hardanger está precioso!
Un abrazo.

Ana Mary said...

Yo también lo estoy haciendo, es muy bonito ¿verdad?. El tuyo está genial. Un saldo

Lolastitchida said...


thanks so much for commenting on my blog. I am very new to blogging and have not put much on yet. I am not sure how to add side bars and follow other people's blogs but I will figure it out. I love what it is in your blog. Good luck with the move!

Carpacar said...

Ánimos Laura, que ahora viene lo más bonito del neceser.
Te deseo un feliz verano, besos.

Odette said...

Hola Laura!!!! tanto tiempo.....como has estado?, seguramente ya tienes bordado millones de cosas lindas ....y me dejaste atras con todos los SAL...cuentame las ultimas novedades.

Hugs Odette

Carmen - detodounpocoimas said...

hol Laura... gracias por visitar mi blog, yo también me he hecho segidora del tuyo... Esos bordados están muy bonitos.
Yo en redwork es lo primero que hago, pero me ha gustado mucho, así que no será lo último jejeje...

Esl foro Sal bordemos juntas es genial... lástima que no tengo tiempo de hacer todo lo que van proponiendo :(

nos iremos siguiendo.

Besitos :)

angela said...

Muchas gracias por tu comentario en mi blog tus trabajitos son estupendos y no te preocupes por los bordaditos el otoño esta cerca y ya verás como progresas.Que tengas un estupendo finde.Un bst

pi said...

Que lindo blog y tus labores preciosas te felicito. Gracias por visitar mi casita. Un Abrazo.