This was a really long weekend,my DH only went back to work yesterday.It was a fun weekend,we played Golf,ah let me tell you about it, I played night Golf for the first time ever, it is great fun.We had a couple of invitations one was a farewell party,sopmebody is always leaving, so we have plenty of those, and the other was to a BBQ on Sunday,the food and company was great.quiet Monday only golf and them home to do our crossword and enjoy each others company.

Now my new project this is something that I have wanted to do for a long time,bought every thing I need it for it when it first came out, are you ready for it 14 years ago,yes you read it right one four.I am a great believer in better late than never LOL

This is the front of this lovely sewing case!!

This is the Inside

and this is the back.
I am having a great time stitching this is very pretty.
If any of you girls out there want to join me in doing this just leave a message.