Thursday, 13 January 2011

I am back

It has been a long time since I last look never mind wrote any thing on my blog.
I have been so busy, getting every thing ready for Christmas and our son and his family visit.
We had a great Christmas with both our children and their families, it was so nice, it is three years since we were all together for Christmas, and this time there was one more little person Jack , he is such a lovely baby, I was so sad to see him go.
We were planning to move to Holland from the beginning of the year,Tim was only there one day when they told him that they need him in Dubai, so he is already there and I will be following soon.
life certainly is full of surprises.
I have done very little on the way of crafts, some knitting for baby Jack that is all i will share some pictures another day.
I do hope that you all had a great Christmas with your love ones and that 2011 is a fantastic year, when you will all continue to make beautiful things with your hands.
i am off to visit some of my favorite blog now.


Chookyblue...... said...

good to see you are you going with the GJ???
Would love to see some pics from your new life once you move.......

Anna said...

Hola Laura, Feliz Año Nuevo!

Me alegro de leer sobre lo estupendo de tus Navidades, poder disfrutar de la familia y sobre todo de su nuevo integrante!

Dubai... muy diferente de Holanda, desde luego, seguiremos tus andanzas por el mundo!

Un saludo,
